Sunday, April 2, 2023


Early arrival in Kinko Bay, Kagoshima.  Mt Sakurajima looms in the backround.

Off on our bus trip to the volcano

Flood/ash control canal

Lava bomb shelter

Thick plastic like lava

Iso Gardens / Shimadzu home Sengan-en

Huge clusters of Sago palms 

Quite a lunch spread

300+ yr old home & gardens still in the Shimadzu family

White hanging paper represents lightning bolts

Shimadzu Satsuma glass

Satsuma Shozu brewery produces Shochu

Golf course fairway grass along the street car path

Topiary Podocarpus lining the street


Arrival in Nagasaki


Japanese Navy

A Japanese copy of our stealth light destroyer

Port welcome center

Oura Cathedral 

Saint Kolbe Museum

Glover Garden

Former Mitsubishi home & gardens

Nagasaki Peace Park

Original canal area at hypocenter

Adjacent preserved debris in soil layer at original ground level

Hypocenter monument

A section of cathedral façade that survived at the hypocenter

Heavy bronze plaque from a bridge 

Fused glass and coins from a store

A unique delicate moment in time...the pattern is from
a piece of clothing hanging on a clothes line instantly 'printed' on the adjacent fence.

In contrast to the above...4k deg. flash bubbled ceramic roof tiles was 
covered by another tile.

Fat Boy plutonium bomb replica

Section of a church façade that survived in remarkable condition.

Photo 2 months prior to bomb

Pocket watch frozen at 2 min past 11

Photo taken 15min after the blast

Clock remains found showing time of explosion 

Dutch trading post...they kept foreign traders captive within this compound while visiting 

A little balcony treat after an 8hr sake & glass from Kagoshima

Port customs center

Former Hong Kong Shanghai Bank

Our send off...

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